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Web3, Blockchain and Crypto projects opens up incredible opportunities while creating new, exciting challenges. Our expertise in economy design at Surge Strategy expands into Web3 project, where we have designed and audited 6 of the most exciting upcoming Blockchain projects, with clients such as Immutable, while helping securing up to $25M in investments and ICO. Whatever your Blockchain need is, our experts are there to assist you.

Why and when do you need Crypto Economy and Token Design?

  • You are developing a new token or blockchain based asset (NFT) and want a solid design to control its flow and value over time.
  • You need projections and strategies for release/minting, staking and burning of assets for an upcoming crypto project.
  • You want to integrate tokens or NFT elements as core elements/rewards of upcoming or existing App or Game.

What do the Crypto Economies and Token Design includes?

  • Design of the Token and NFT strategies and flows within the game or app ecosystem (and outside).
  • NFT generation simulations with projected rarity and estimated overall value of variants.
  • Simulation & Projection spreadsheets to model the availability and flow of resources over time with projected value with inflation and scarcity.
  • Game Economy Design and Economy modeling (if needed) for the rest of the resources (including blockchain assets).

Game Economy, Crypto & Tokenomics Consultant

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