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At Surge Strategy, we believe the key to a successful game is proper planning and adequate tooling. A proper economy should be built alongside the meta game and core systems as to make it as seamless and efficient as possible. Our approach to top-down and bottoms-up modeling (described HERE) is meant to visualize, test and iterate the game economy based on product needs and player’s experience as soon as possible, while building tools that will help development and balancing through live ops. This tailor-made solution will be built alongside your team, with formation to help your designers understand and use the tool.

Why and when do you need game economy design assistance?

  • You are in the early stage of game design and need assistance building a strong metagame, engaging and monetizing game economy.
  • You need help making your game more engaging, accessible, better paced, more competitive or more profitable.
  • You need to improve your game’s revenues but want to preserve a good player’s experience for different types of players. 
  • You lack proper tools to understand, balance, optimize and monetize your released free-to-play game.

What does the service include?

  • Design and strategy of the game economy, including key progression and monetization components, resources flows and expected user’s journey.
  • Top-down economy modeling – calculations of the needs and potential of the designed game economy according to your product’s goals and constraints (Live ops costs/release times, expected depth of spend)
  • Game balance sheets, with integration with current data format and export in game-readable format.
  • Bottoms-up economy model, simulating multiple different player personas with unique play habits progression with the current balancing, allowing a sanity check and deep balancing of the full system integration.
  • Assistance and mentoring of the project’s game designers and product managers in the understanding and maintenance of the game economy.

Game Economy, Crypto & Tokenomics Consultant

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