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Your success is our success. Here at Surge Strategy we work alongside you to achieve your product goals at every stage of development. If you already have a well-rounded team to build and design your game, we can be there to counsel, mentor and teach you and your team along the way, sharing thousands of hours of experience on different projects with you.

Why and when do you need economy and product mentoring?

  • You already have a satisfying game economy but want to improve its performance or scale it up.
  • You need a second set of eyes to bulletproof your ideas and assist in the development process.

What does the service include?

  • Ongoing assistance of a expert economy designer/product manager to prioritize features, adapt game economy strategies and assist with design through the product’s development.
  • Ongoing economy fine tuning, monetization optimization and A/B testing plans using insights from player’s behavior and analytics for live games.
  • Training and mentoring of the team in game economy best practices, strategies and balancing.

Game Economy, Crypto & Tokenomics Consultant

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