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Home / Game Audits

In today’s highly competitive gaming market, it’s crucial to understand your game’s strengths and weaknesses to ensure its success. Whether you’re about to soft-launch a new title or struggling to maintain key performance indicators (KPIs) for an existing game, Surge Strategy is here to provide expert solutions with our specialized Game Audit Service.

Why Choose Our Game Audit Service?

1. Expert Insights: Our team conducts an in-depth review focusing on the metagame and economy of your game. This review identifies areas where your game can be improved, both from a user’s perspective and a business/revenue standpoint.


2. Actionable Recommendations: Our audit report includes a prioritized and detailed list of issues and opportunities for improvement, along with proposed solutions. These are classified by their impact—be it on the learning curve, engagement, retention, or monetization of your game.


3. Benchmarking with the Best: We offer examples of best-in-class solutions for discovered issues, ranging from low-hanging fruit to more complex, foundational changes.


4. Unbiased Perspective: An external audit provides fresh eyes to pinpoint issues you might overlook internally, leveraging our expertise to offer well-rounded advice based on current market trends.


5. Strategic Planning: Whether market shifts force you to reassess your game or you need help with feature prioritization, our audit serves as a strategic roadmap for both short-term fixes and long-term success.


Don’t leave your game’s success to chance. Gain a competitive edge with Surge Strategy’s Game Audit Service. Let us provide the comprehensive analysis and actionable insights you need to elevate your game to the next level.


For more details and to get started, reach out to us today. Your game’s success starts here.

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Game Audits


1. What is a game audit and why do I need one?

A game audit is a comprehensive review of your video game conducted by an external expert. You may need a game audit if:


  • You’re preparing for a soft launch and need a second opinion on your game’s viability.

  • You’re facing difficulties in reaching or maintaining key performance indicators (KPIs).

  • You need guidance in prioritizing features for your game, whether it’s upcoming or already live.

  • Market changes require you to re-strategize your game’s approach.

2. What areas do the game audits focus on?

Our game audits focus primarily on the metagame and economy of your game. We identify areas where your game can be improved, both from a user experience and a business/revenue perspective.

4. How can a game audit help my KPIs?

By identifying areas of improvement and providing actionable insights, a game audit equips you with the knowledge and direction needed to optimize your KPIs. Whether it’s improving user engagement or increasing revenue, our audit aims to positively impact your key metrics.

5. How is this audit different from internal reviews?

An external game audit provides an unbiased, fresh perspective that you may not get from an internal team. We offer specialized expertise, particularly in metagame and economy analysis, to give you well-rounded advice based on current market trends.

6. When should I consider getting a game audit?

The ideal time for a game audit depends on your specific needs. However, it’s particularly beneficial:


  • Before a soft launch to ensure your game has the best chance for success.

  • When you notice a decline in your KPIs and need to identify the cause.

  • When external market forces or updates require you to adjust your game strategy.

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